Inspired by Cami M’s MIT blog post on blogger pets (, here we asked to share the biological organisms Biomakers are taking care of. Be sourdough starters, aquatic plants, axolotls, the goodest of cats, or younger siblings, we care for so much life! The challenge–see if you can match each species description to the picture…
Year: 2021
Major Confusion: or, What’s in a Course?
By Rachel Shen At the end of their first year, MIT students declare their Course (aka major). At the end of my first year – and to some extent, even now as a Junior – I was still unsure. I was talking to my friends in BioMakers exec recently about how they chose their courses….
The seeds for my current path
By Rachel Shen This IAP has been unusually long. As the winter months stretch on, blending IAP into the two-week gap between the end of IAP and the beginning of the spring semester, I’ve found myself with more time to think about what I want to do as a scientist and how I got to…